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Drug & Alcohol Awareness

Our trained staff help individuals identify triggers and develop recovery plans.

*Person Centered

* Voluntary


* Relationship Focused


Comforting Hands

Parent Support Group

Parents meet regularly to discuss common issues and solutions.

*Provide Parental Support

*Provide healthy parenting Skills

*Provide A sense of Empowerment

*Coping Skills for Teen Parents

* New Trends On Drugs


Tutoring & Mentoring

Our staff assists participants with developing thier Recovery Plan specific to their needs.

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Peer To Peer

The process of giving and receiving encouragement and assistance to achieve similar goals.​

*Emotional Support
*Shared Knowledge
*Provide Practical Assistance
*Connect People With Resources and Opportunities
*Communities of Support

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Anger Management

Identify cause and effect of anger and the negative consequences that follow.

*Relationship Problems

*Work/School Problems

*Substance Abuse/Mental Health


*Self Harm/Suicide

*Critical Thinking Errors

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Training & Education

Recovery support credentials for those within the field of chemical dependency, mental health, and other co-occurring disorders

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